This post has been prepared in cooperation with veterinarians. 

What should your dog's home pharmacy contain? In this post, we highlight the main things that you could stock up on at home just in case. It is important that if you are in trouble, you should consult a veterinarian if possible to make sure that you are giving your pet the best possible care.
  • Gauze swabs and physiological solution or 0.9% NaCl solution for washing wounds and eyes. Use nonwoven patches for cleaning. Ordinary cotton wool is not suitable because it leaves fibers in the wound. In case of any eye problem, it is especially important to first rinse with physiological solution and then, if necessary, contact a veterinarian. For minor irritation, rinsing is sufficient. 
  • Antiseptic alcohol-free cleaning agent for disinfecting wounds. Use only on the skin. Products containing alcohol sting and may increase irritation, so avoid them. Spray bottles are convenient to use, but some animals may be afraid of the hiss of spraying. 
  • Blunt-tipped scissors or a clipper for trimming hair. Use the clipper on a dog that is used to it. The sound of the machine is scary at first glance.
  • Digestive paste with pro- and prebiotics for indigestion. The paste should be purchased from a veterinary clinic (not a pet store or elsewhere) by consulting a clinic employee to find a suitable product for you from a wide selection. 
  • Activated charcoal paste to give in case of poisoning. If the dog is known to have swallowed something toxic, charcoal paste can be given and then a vet should be contacted immediately. You can also give charcoal tablets, but their minimum amount is quite large (3-4 tablets per 1 kg of dog's weight).
  • Digital thermometer for measuring body temperature. Favorites are graduated rectally, i.e. through the anus. This should be done by calmly and carefully sliding the tip of the protractor with liquid soap or petroleum jelly. The normal body temperature of a dog is 37.5-39.2 degrees (lower in larger breeds, higher in smaller breeds). 
  • A collar to prevent licking the wound or rubbing the eye in case of an eye problem. Licking, nibbling, scratching traumatizes tissues by causing even greater damage and spreads infection by causing bacteria. The collar should be worn until the vet visit.
  • Self-adhesive elastic bandage (Petflex) for wound dressing. Place a gauze pad under the bandage and make sure that it is not tied too tightly. Petflex has a bitter taste to prevent licking.
  • Tick hook for tick removal. Could be bigger or smaller depending on the size of the tick. Remove the tick immediately to prevent the transmission of tick-borne pathogens. 
  • Allergy medicine if the dog is sensitive to wasp or bee stings or has other known allergies. The most commonly used is cetirizine (Zyrtec), which is administered orally at 1 mg/kg once a day. 
  • Control of internal and external parasites (worm, flea and tick). The selection of drugs is wide, consult your veterinarian to choose the right one. The largest selection of medicines is in veterinary clinics, some in pharmacies in the department of veterinary medicines. It is not worth buying parasite control products from a pet store or elsewhere.
  • The contact of the veterinarian and the number of the nearest veterinary clinic offering first aid could be stored in the phone. The use of any medication must be discussed with a veterinarian in advance.

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